2016. A year full of deep changes in my life.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer and heart failure all on the same day. I decided at that moment to do everything I can to heal and emerge a better person.

It made me look at everything in my life that was toxic and do something about it. I believed that I could improve skincare to not only be non-toxic but that it could be infused with oils that were focused on healing.

My obsession on healing proved hugely important to how my skin looked and felt. Oils focused on health tend to be anti-inflammatory and improve the skin from the cell level. Not just focusing on short term gains but dramatic long term effects.

Doing this opened me to so many supportive women who have inspired and encouraged me to develop an incredible line of products that are made for women by women. Something we can trust. This experience, focus and drive, saved my life and mental sanity.

Wild botanics, ancient resins and herbs, over thousand of years kept our ancestors and us nowadays healthy, happy and vibrant. Our products are crafted with this ancient wisdom and modern scientific knowledge.


Beauty is the consequence of health and healing. Accessible for every woman our creams and oils are composed to enhance and strengthen our skin health. Every ingredient is chosen and composed for maximum benefit and our products are freshly made every month in small batches to keep the ingredients vibrant and alive. Be good to yourself with fresh botanics made to love our self.

With love,

